【讲座】工业控制系统信息安全CTF训练营【Summer Lecture Series 之五】

发布日期:2021-08-26      浏览次数:465

讲座标题:【计算机学院】工业控制系统信息安全CTF训练营【Summer Lecture Series 之五】

主讲人: 任勤诗

讲座时间:2021-08-28 20:00:00

讲座地点:线上,腾讯会议650 172 156





    The red team usually refers to the attacking team in actual offensive and defensive exercises. In non-actual offensive and defensive exercises or within the enterprise, it can also be referred to as the blue army or the attacking party. We show the related hazards through the introduction and actual combat of red team penetration. This lecture mainly focuses on information collection, external management, and intranet roaming related content. Information gathering is the most important stage of penetration testing. It is an important part of the entire penetration test. Based on the useful information collected, it can greatly improve the success rate of our penetration testing. The external management depends on the breadth and depth of the attacker's knowledge, which is proportional to the speed of tearing the target. Intranet roaming is the process of intranet penetration, which collects intranet assets and moves horizontally.


任勤诗,男,1998年11月生,理学学士。2020年6月获bwin·必赢唯一官网学士学位,在校期间,在上海天融信担任渗透测试工程师,毕业后在斗象科技能力中心(Tophant Competence Center)担任安全研究员。研究领域为信息安全方向,在渗透测试、流量分析等领域皆有丰富的经验。